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Upgrade your Organization

If you have an existing Community Edition Organization, you can upgrade to a Professional Edition Organization through the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Marketplace.

Creating a new Professional Edition Organization?

If you're creating a new Professional Edition Organization (rather than upgrading an existing Community Edition Organization), see Create a Wherobots Account instead.

You can also upgrade to an Enterprise Edition Organization, which is only available through contract.

For a detailed comparison of available plans, see Wherobots Pricing.

Unable to sign up through the AWS Marketplace?

If you are unable to create an AWS account and subscribe to the Professional Edition through the AWS Marketplace, contact us at

Before you start

While upgrading a Community Edition Organization through the AWS Marketplace can be initiated by any Wherobots Organization member, successfully completing the upgrade is contingent on having the following:

  • A Wherobots account configured to the Admin role. You must have the credentials to log in to the Community Edition Organization that you wish to upgrade.
  • AWS IAM role permissions that allow you to subscribe to SaaS products on the AWS Marketplace. This can include the following permissions:

    IAM Permission Policy Description
    aws-marketplace:Subscribe This is the fundamental permission
    for subscribing to any offering on AWS Marketplace.
    aws-marketplace:ViewSubscriptions This allows you to view your existing
    AWS Marketplace subscriptions, which helps
    manage and track your subscription.
    aws-marketplace:ManageSubscriptions This provides broader control, allowing you to
    both subscribe and unsubscribe from offerings.

    For more information on IAM permissions, see Actions, resources, and condition keys for AWS Marketplace in the AWS Documentation.

Initiate the upgrade process

To upgrade from a Community Edition Organization to a Professional Edition Organization, do the following:

  1. Log in to Wherobots Cloud.
  2. Go to Organization Settings > Billing. You should see Community Edition on your Billing page.

    Community billing

  3. Click Subscribe with AWS Marketplace.

    Subscribe with AWS button

You will be taken to the Wherobots Spatial Intelligence Cloud Professional Edition listing on the AWS Marketplace to complete your upgrade.

AWS Marketplace

On the Wherobots Spatial Intelligence Cloud Professional Edition's AWS Marketplace page, you can read the Product Overview and review the accompanying Pricing, Usage, and Support information.

Admin required to complete upgrade

Upgrading through the AWS Marketplace requires Admin access to the Wherobots Community Edition Organization. If you can't log in as an Admin, reach out to your Wherobots Organization Administrator for assistance. For more information on Roles, see Organization Roles.

To complete your upgrade, do the following:

  1. Go to the Wherobots Spatial Intelligence Cloud Professional Edition listing on AWS Marketplace.
  2. Click View purchase options. AWS Marketplace Professional Edition
  3. Review the details.
  4. Scroll down and click Subscribe.

    1. Your subscription is being processed. Set up your account 1

    2. Once your subscription has finished processing, you'll see the following: Set up your account 2

  5. Click Set up your account. You will be redirected to Wherobots Cloud to log in and complete the upgrade.

Wherobots Cloud

After finishing the steps in the AWS Marketplace section, you'll be redirected to Wherobots Cloud to complete the upgrade:

  1. You will be redirected to the Wherobots Cloud registration screen.
  2. Click Login (do not create a new account). Already have an account
  3. Log in to Wherobots Cloud with an existing Admin account. Use the Email and Password for the Community Edition Organization that you're upgrading. Login to Wherobots Cloud
  4. Click Confirm to link your Amazon Marketplace subscription to this Organization. Confirm upgrade

Confirm your upgrade

To confirm that you've successfully upgraded to a Professional Edition Organization, do the following:

  1. Go to Organization Settings > Billing.
  2. Confirm that you now have the Professional Edition icon on your Billing page. Professional Billing

Add Members to an Organization

A Wherobots Professional Edition Organization enables team collaboration by letting you add more members to your Organization. For more information, see Add Members to an Organization.

Unable to sign up through the AWS Marketplace?

If you are unable to create an AWS account and subscribe to the Professional Edition through the AWS Marketplace, contact us at

Upgrade to an Enterprise Edition Organization

An Enterprise Edition is only available through contract with Wherobots.

To upgrade to an Enterprise Edition Organization, see Create an Enterprise Edition Organization.